The TMS Scatterometer

A table top instrument used to scan silicon wafers & other smooth reflectors

The new TMS table top scatterometer

A table top scatterometer that is used to scan silicon wafers, and other smooth reflectors.

To Purchase:



Download the TMS Scatterometer 2000 Data Sheet
Download the TMS Scatterometer 3000 Data Sheet



The TMS Scatterometer (left) is a table top instrument used to scan silicon wafers, and other smooth reflectors. Results are given as TIS (total integrated scatter) and or FS (fractional scatter) according SEMI Standard. When appropriate the TIS can be converted to the surface rms roughness and a sample roughness map presented. For rougher samples, or samples scattering from other sources (such as surface films) the FS (integrated scatter normalized by the specular reflection) can be mapped. The FS is a useful parameter for monitoring production line surfaces. The sample areas to be scanned are programmable.  The TMS can soon be ordered with automated wafer handling robots.